The Lord of the Rings Online Welcome Back Week

Turbine has announced that former The Lord of the Rings Online subscribers can jump back into their account for free until July 15th.

The latest content update to LOTRO, Book 8: Scourge of Khazad-dûm is now available! We’d like to welcome you back for a week of free gameplay* from July 9th through July 15th. In addition, there is a +25% bonus experience boost on mob kills for everyone playing on those days!**

‘¢ Play your old characters for free!
‘¢ Get a 25% experience bonus all week long**
‘¢ Plus! Experience new content from Book 8: Scourge of Khazad- dûm
  ◦ The Scourge is Rising!
    ◦ Aid the elves to fight back the rising plague
‘¢ New 12-Person Raid!
  ◦ Battle a new pestilence in Moria
‘¢ Two Small Group Instances
  ◦ Light up the Mirror Halls or solve the puzzle of the Water Works

Need to re-download the LOTRO client? Get the latest version here:

Standard-resolution version
High-resolution version

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