The Other 99 Gets Even Better and Harder

If you’re a fan of survival horror games then The Other 99 by Burning Arrow may just be the thing you’re looking for. A game that squashes together elements from Lost, Fight Club & Lord of the Flies all with the added menace of permadeth is likely to be something that piques the interest of any die-hard Survival fans.

The Other 99 puts you in control of one of 100 people taken from their ordinary lives and dropped on an isolated island. With only a note in your pocket that reads”¦“The only way off the island is through The Other 99”. So to get off the island you have to survive natural dangers such as hunger and thirst, plus less natural ones like the other 99 trying to kill you, unless you can kill them first. Explore the island and solve puzzles to solve the mystery of why and how you got there.

The game is in Steam Early Access, a few days ago they released a major update to the game, but what did they change in this update?

Well, there’s…

  • New Starting Area.
  • Massively reworked Balancing.
  • Better interaction with the world (Drinking from rivers etc.)
  • a full rework of hunger and thirst
  • Overhauled the island with new environment props
  • Reworked combat system

“It’s great being able to bring such an important update to The Other 99. We’ve taken a lot of the feedback we received on the early builds of our title and worked hard to improve the game in those areas with a focus on the game’s difficulty. With the new AI system that we have completed, it is no longer easy to avoid and bypass enemies, as fights are now much more challenging.” says NAME, co-founder of Burning Arrow.

If you haven’t already checked out The Other 99, this update may just be the reason to do it. Check out the Steam store page or their official site for more information.

Look out for more The Other 99 info on when we have it.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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