The Planescape Trilogy Interview

Clan DLAN has published a two-page interview with the Rogue Dao Studios team about their upcoming trilogy of Planescape-based modules for Neverwinter Nights 2.

Q: Speaking of Planescape and roleplaying games, we have a question we must ask. Everyone has in mind the mighty Planescape: Torment, and might of course compare your work to that game. How are you planning to create something equally original and of high quality?

A: It’s important to keep in mind that this game isn’t P:T. We aren’t trying to ‘recreate’ P:T. P:T was a brilliant game, made by brilliant people, and most of us have played it and absolutely adore it. But that’s not the game we’re making here.

It’s inevitable that the game we make will be compared to P:T, and that’s both a good thing and a bad thing. It’s good because, frankly, at least some of us are of the opinion that P:T is the single greatest role-playing game ever created, and we enjoy being held to such a rigorous standard – but on the other hand, it’s a bad thing, because people who are expecting to play a sequel to P:T are going to be sorely disappointed. We’re doing our own thing over here, and we’d like to think we’re doing it pretty damn well.

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