The Planescape Trilogy: Purgatorio Released

The team at Rogue Dao Studios has announced the release of Purgatorio, the first entry in their ambitious Planescape Trilogy mod series for Neverwinter Nights 2. The files are being uploaded to IGN’s Neverwinter Vault at the moment, so it’s possible that we’ll have to wait until tomorrow before we can actually start downloading and installing.

Allow me to clear up the speculation, and make the official announcement:

I found some bugs last-minute, that needed to be repaired, before I could package. As a result, upload schedule was a few hours behind. File upload started at officially 4:14 am EST, Friday the 13th. Files might not get uploaded for public consumption until Saturday, as a result.

If it means anything to you, I am literally now ending a 44-hour straight work session, with absolutely not a single minute of sleep, in order to get both a couple more nifty features active and a hopefully even smoother playing experience. That, and final packaging of course.

I really gave it my all people, tried my best to keep this promise we made to you and keep this deadline. Missed by a few hours, I think. I’ve got nothing left to give for the minute, it’s all been given to this noble effort. And I’m far beyond exhausted from it. But despite all that, I’m still very happy (and relieved) that we’ll get to share the fruit of our long labors with all of you, and soon.

We really hope you enjoy what you experience. We hope this demo is at least worth some of the long wait. We are certainly proud of what we’ve got to offer you.

Rest assured, after a much-needed modders’ vacation, there is plenty more coming from us at Rogue Dao! Who knows—maybe you’ll come and join us this time.

Now pike off, ye barmy spire climbers!
And let the games begin!

Bill Harper
Co-Lead Designer, Rogue Dao Studios

UPDATE: A demo version can now be downloaded from Neverwinter Vault.

PERDITION: a state of final spiritual ruin; loss of the soul; damnation.

This is a DEMO of Purgatorio by Rogue Dao Studios. This release is targeted at builders, so if you are a player you may want to wait for the finished product.

Run a level 10-ish character, even though the game asks for a level 1.

IMPORTANT! Get the music here if you don’t already have it:

Save the game constantly, especially before you enter any strange portals. It is possible to get stuck on the other side of some portals.

Please post any bugs you find on the forums.

Rogue Dao is hiring:

Purgatorio requires and is compatible with MoTB. We have tried to make it compatible with SoZ, but may still be having technical difficulty with that. We could use your help testing it. SoZ is not required.

GAME ON! It is now safe to download and install these files.

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