The Witcher Blog Update, RotWW Logo

CD Projekt’s Karol Zajaczkowski paid another visit to the company’s official blog on IGN to discuss yesterday’s announcement of The Witcher: Mysterious Secrets.

The beginning was rather hard we had thousands of ideas, but not even one of them was cool enough for us. And then, suddenly, when we’d almost lost all hope, Pawel came up with a brilliant idea if people want a new Witcher, let’s give it to them! I loved the idea, so finally we were able to start to work.

First of all, we had to pick out a platform for our game. We considered almost all existing possibilities, but because of legal issues we decided to use ‘˜current-gen, next-gen and gen-after-next-gen handhelds,’ which really suited the abstract overtone of the action. Then we had to find out a cool way to announce the title.

We realized that creating a short video with a developer talking about his game would be the best way to do it. Tom Gop offered to help us and that’s how he became the producer of ‘˜Mysterious Secrets’. I wrote some texts for him and on the very next day Pawel and Lukasz started to record the video. Tomek played like a real actor by using his charisma and adding jokes on his own, he made this video even better than we could ever expect. He laughed only once, when Benek came and told us that the refrigerator was broken?

In more serious news, we now have an official logo for The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf.

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