The Worst DLC of All Time

The editors at OXM have ranked what they feel are the five worst DLC add-ons available on the Xbox Live Marketplace. And the #1 spot goes to…

Horse Armor
Description: Quite literally, armour for your horse
Price: 200 MS Points
Already On Disc?: No

“Tamriel is a dangerous place,” reads the description. “Protect your horse from danger with this beautiful handcrafted armor.”

Thus, the life of the most notorious bit of DLC on Marketplace began. For 200 Microsoft Points, you can buy a metal coat of armour for your horse. It doesn’t actually protect your horse. It doesn’t serve any purpose. It just hangs limply from your horse, like a sad metallic shawl. The worst DLC of all time, bar none, and will probably remain so until the day Xbox 360 dies.

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