Thief 4 “Garrett is Back” Trailer Leaked, Development in Limbo?

One could argue that the Thief titles offer the best role-playing opportunity for those of us looking for a stealth-focused experience, and that’s led to us covering them to some extent over the years. As such, I thought I’d point you over to this story on Kotaku that points out that Thief 4 has been in development for four years and has yet to make an official debut of any kind. That is, until artist Eric Wong leaked a “Garrett is Back” trailer that was supposed to be officially released back in December:

But it’s the departures from the studio that have a lot of people worried that the game might be in trouble:

After two-plus years of work on the project, Thief 4 audio director and composer Paul Weir left the Eidos Montreal in March. The month prior, lead level designer Adam Alim went to WB Games Montreal. He apparently is not the only lead level designer to hop off the team Pierre-Olivier Clement, the previous lead level designer, apparently moved to another project at Eidos Montreal last year. Among other departures: two senior concept artists exited Eidos to a freelance career after nearly two and three years, respectively; a senior technical level designer left last month; a senior animator went back to Ubisoft last September; and a senior level designer moved to something else at Eidos in August.

Here’s to hoping it still sees the light of day and is as much or more of an RPG as Deus Ex: Human Revolution was.

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