Titan Quest Developer Blog #11

An eleventh installment to the TQ Vault’s developer blog feature is now available, this time with Titan Quest content designer Josh Glavine talking about the game’s editor. Here’s a taste:

As content designers we get a lot of our inspiration from looking at the world around us, observing what different scenery looks like and even what types of trees and plants are in different areas. This can help our level design in a lot of ways, from giving us ideas about what new scenery to request from the art department to inspiring us in the creation of new and different areas. Because Titan Quest is set in ancient times and in a different part of the world, we can’t necessarily go out and visit all the locations we would like to. So we spend a lot of time during this part of development looking through reference materials and stock images of scenery in these parts of the world. Before I create a level I will often hit up these sources for a few key images to inspire me, sometimes I may even find one or two that will completely change the way I think the level should look.

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