Titan Quest: Immortal Throne Chat Log

Xfire has gotten around to posting an edited log of the Titan Quest: Immortal Throne developer chat they hosted a few weeks ago.

Q: If you could go back in time, would you change anything about Titan Quest, or Titan Quest Immortal Throne.

Brian Sullivan: That would be hard to answer, as there are a lot of little and medium sized things we would have made better. I think I would have liked to change the camera to be moveable instead of fixed. We went with fixed to make the game more accessible (you can practically left click your way though the game), but now there are so many movable camera games that it is second nature to most gamers. Unfortunately, we couldn’t make the change mid development for performance reasons – we would have had to change pretty much all the art and levels up to that point. Even though this is where I think the market is, I still enjoy playing with the fixed camera.

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