Too Human Reviews

In case you’re still debating whether or not to pick up a copy of Too Human, there are two more reviews for you to sift through. RPGamer gives it an overall score of 3.5/5:

Too Human is something of a mixed bag. There is an excellent game here, but it’s buried beneath layers of problems. In the end, the game simply doesn’t live up to the lofty claims made by director Denis Dyack. But despite its faults, Too Human’s unique concept and addictive, fast-paced combat manage to hold it together. Fans of Norse mythology will easily find something to enjoy here, but with its short playtime and incomplete story, Too Human’s price tag may be hard to justify.

While NZGamer gives it a perfect score of 4/4:

It’s easily the best action RPG on the 360 and arguably the best on any of the modern consoles. If you’re looking for something to tide you over until Diablo III gets here, you could do a lot worse.

We’re “for” Too Human – we’ll likely still be playing this when the next one comes out, which will hopefully be less than ten years from now!

First perfect score we’ve seen so far. A fluke?

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