Top 4 Wanted Co-op Enabled Franchises

The Examiner shares a short list of the video game franchises they’d like to see a co-op multiplayer component added to, and Lionhead’s Fable and Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls are both mentioned.

1. Elder Scrolls

For some time fans have been asking for a multiplayer aspect to an Elder Scrolls title. Betheseda always responds by stating that they are striving to create the greatest single player experience that they possibly can and, in many ways, they have. However, allowing one extra person to play alongside wouldn’t exactly destroy the game would it? Elder Scrolls is such a fundamentally sound franchise that I think it could survive the transition from “The greatest single-player experience” to “The greatest co-op experience”.

I’d have to agree that The Elder Scrolls could be great in co-op. I don’t see it happening, though, unless you count The Elder Scrolls Online as a normal cooperative experience.

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