TORN Art Diary

The official TORN website has been updated with a new art diary, which features new artwork and concept art from the upcoming RPG. Here’s a rip from the site:

    Another quick month has passed and we have some more art for you. Here are some actual game models and textures as well as a few concepts. The concepts may give you an inkling of some of the more unusual stuff you will see throughout the game. Trust me, from what I have seen, it gets pretty cool.

    I do want to send out a thank you to the tireless art team on this project. In no particular order they are: Aaron B, Dennis, Derek, Brian, Eric, Justin, Jason M, Jason S, Hector, Rob, John, Chris, Aaron M, Dave P, Primo, and Pete. That is a big list but they have all helped us out in one way or another over the last few months. We have had some ups and downs but I think the fact anyone of these guys has the ability to make us laugh and keep our spirits up says a lot about the team. Consequently, there has been a good feeling of accomplishment and it looks like we are headed into a nice stretch ahead.

    Until next month, take care.


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