Trinity Wars Prologue: Spine of the World Interview

Platform Nation recently cornered TnT Gaming CEO Travon Santerre for a quick interview about their independently developed action RPG for the Xbox 360, Trinity Wars Prologue: Spine of the World.

Q. Can you tell us a little about the gameplay? What can players expect when they sit down for a session of TWP: Spine of the World?

A. In its simplest form the game is a hack and slash platformer. You can expect to mow down waves of enemies as you explore the various levels. The real fun is in customizing and building your character. You can expect to level up, gain stat points and skill points to assign to the stats you like and the skills you use. Over the course of the game you will choose a class and develop down a path that is unique on every play through. You can buy weapons, armor, potions, and enchant your equipment using runes and gems you find. You can expect to beat the game in 6-10 hours with a character level 40+ depending on your character build.

The game is currently available for 800 points on Xbox Live, and the team has already moved on to a follow-up called Trinity Wars Prologue: Heart of the Wood.

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