Two Worlds II Interview

After recent press releases informing us of Two World II’s delay, GameSpot gets some interesting follow-up statements from developer TopWare, who claim the game is actually in a finished state on time, and explaining the delay as the game avoiding a crowded period of game releases.

“Truth be told, fans only have so much time to spend playing these content-rich games, and there were concerns our title could potentially be lost in the fanfare,” TopWare managing director James Seaman said in a statement. “Our publishing partner SouthPeak, to their credit, has acknowledged this fact and made an adjustment, postponing their launch of Two Worlds II into early 2011.”

The TopWare statement went on to call SouthPeak’s assertion that the game wasn’t finished “factually incorrect.” All production, bug testing, and localization work was finished in mid-September, the company said, adding that this year and next year’s Two Worlds II launches will contain the same content (except for patches or updates released in the interim, which could make it onto the 2011 retail launch disc). Instead of working to finish up the core Two Worlds II game, Reality Pump is instead readying its post-launch support and downloadable content plans.

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