Two Worlds II Interviews

IGN’s Two Worlds Vault has published two separate interviews with Reality Pump CEO Mirek Dymek, with the first covering exploration in Two Worlds II and the other focusing on the sequel’s combat system. A snip from the latter:

TWVault: TW has been renowned for its unique system of special moves, executed in a skill fashion, for example, stunning and pulling shield. Can you say something about similar special skills in TW2? Any cooldown, maybe stamina usage built-in, disallowing simply spamming those at will?

-Mirek Dymek: Stunning and pulling shield abilities are still weapon-restricted, so you can only perform those skills when armed with a 2-handed blunt (stunning) or an axe (pull shield). There’s a lot more special attacks this time; you can kick someone to knock them down on the ground, and if you use your jump attack to follow up while the enemy’s down, chances are you’ll perform an instant kill. This and other special attacks may kick in depending on the enemy’s health. The healthier the enemy, the lower the chance to stun or knock him back. Skills themselves are put on a cooldown when used. There’s no inherent limitation in time it takes to perform the skills, too if you click (kick), your hero kicks immediately selected target. the restriction lies within repetitition of that move you can’t do it again for a while. Besides, if you have many enemies that you would like to kick to the dirt, you won’t even use a regular kick skill, but rather magics like a spell called (Mental Blast)…

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