Two Worlds II Preview

The editors at CVG have treated us to the latest hands-on preview of Two Worlds II, and once again it’s based on the press demonstration that’s been given to various outlets over the past couple of weeks.

Squint a bit (actually, a lot) and you might almost envisage this as the Darksiders or even the Arkham Asylum of the fantasy RPG world. Lacking the obvious pedigree of more established players and basically having to start from scratch after a dump of a first effort, Reality Pump have casually plundered rivals’ best bits with the aim of creating a chimera of nerdy fun.

For instance, Oblivion’s armour loadouts were hamstrung by being both dull and impractical. In TW2, you can hotkey armour sets and switch between them in real-time during the course of scraps. Picture sneaking up on a foe unawares in light armour and letting loose a couple of arrows, before flicking over to mage disguise and rushing the poor bugger dispensing fireballs. Finally, when you’re up close, you switch to full berzerker regalia to finish the messy job. Yep, it makes a mockery of the traditional class and party systems and long time Dungeon Masters will, quite reasonably, balk – but then this is a game that doesn’t give a flying fetch quest for genre conventions.

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