Two Worlds II PS3 Delay Has TopWare/Zuxxez Very Angry

Eurogamer is pointing to this post on the official Zuxxez forums, where TopWare CEO Dirk P. Hassinger proclaims his anger at Sony for dragging their feet on getting the PlayStation 3 version of Two Worlds II pressed and ready for its European release this week. Since the post is in German, I’ll quote Eurogamer’s report:

Everything was paid upfront, TopWare/Zuxxez CEO Dirk Hassinger explained on the Zuxxez forum (reported by Eurogamer Germany) – but a bunch of “lazy buggers” at Sony meant Tuesday’s European Two Worlds II launch only happened on PC and Xbox 360.

“The PS3 version wasn’t delivered on schedule for release. We can choose our pressing plant for PC and 360, but unfortunately not for PS3. I’d preferably post the email and phone number of the lady responsible at Sony here,” threatened Hassinger. “We’re hopping mad!”

He went on to muse what a press release – which can’t be released until Sony says so – would say. Something like, “Sony needs too much time for the production because mainly lazy buggers are working there.”

The ramifications of this outburst mean Sony may pull the PS3 version of Two Worlds II. Apparently Hassinger is aware of this.

It’s also worth noting that Eurogamer Germany gave the game a score of 9/10. It sounds like the game might have some serious potential yet, though apparently Sony fans are going to have to wait until the “lazy buggers” get their act together.

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