Ultima III: Exodus – Unofficial Ultimore Expansion

Ultimore: A World Divided is an unofficial expansion for Ultima III: Exodus that was originally released back in 1985. And while previously you needed an Apple II computer or some emulator to play it, over here you can now download a copy of the expansion that works with the GOG version of the base game.

Here’s what this project is all about:

Originally released for the Apple II in early 1985 ‘Ultimore: A World Divided’ was an unofficial expansion to Ultima III: Exodus created by Joel Fenton.

Joel placed adverts in various computer magazines and sold expansions for both Ultima III and the original Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord.

Over time these scenarios were lost. In recent years ‘Ultimore: A World Divided’ and ‘Ultimore: Egypt’ have been re-discovered, they are however in the Apple II format.

Now Daemon Master and Lord Ponsonby bring ‘Ultimore: A World Divided’ to the IBM PC for the very first time! No longer must you tackle Apple II emulators (or hardware), instead you can enjoy this classic scenario simply using the GOG version of Ultima III, with or without enhanced visuals and sound.

For further read on what Ultimore is check out my website – https://daemonmaster.com

IMPORTANT: This scenario requires the later ‘Trilogy Edition’ of Ultima III: Exodus (150 starting Food and Life) and not the earlier stand-alone release (100 starting Food and Life). The GOG version of the game is the later ‘Trilogy Edition’ and works fine. You can find it here – https://www.gog.com/game/ultima_1_2_3

Installation instructions can be found in the included download, but in short, back up your original installation and copy the files from this archive into your install directory.

DONATIONS: Are not required or expected, however Lord Ponsonby spent many hours creating the UltiExo map editor for me so that I could in turn spend many hours hand crafting all of Joel’s original maps. Many hours went into producing this scenario which we hope you will enjoy. If you enjoyed this scenario, eh, maybe throw us a few dollars for a coffee.

LEGAL: The ‘Ultima’ series of games, and the Ultima title are property of Electronic Arts. While only a mod in and of itself, it’s important to acknowledge Joel Fenton as the original creator of the ‘Ultimore: A World Divided’ scenario.

BUGS: Found a bug? Let me know in the comments. I’ve played through the scenario in its entirety twice and I think I got them all, but please let me know if you find something I missed. Joel’s original scenario did include some spelling and grammar errors, I’ve left them intact intentionally.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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