Ultima Online Five on Friday Q&A

EA’s Jeremy Dalberg has posted another “Five on Friday” Q&A feature on the official Ultima Online website, this time addressing questions about psychic attacks, mana regeneration, and more.

Q: How long is the 10th Anniversary content going to last?

A: The gifts appearing in backpacks and bankboxes will continue to be given to eligble (30+ day old) characters until noon GMT on October 25th. (This means if you have a character that will become 30 days old between now and then, it will still get its gift once it becomes eligible.)

As for the artifact drops in the dungeons – we have no plans to remove them, but we’d like to add items to the system over time and perhaps limit certain items to certain dungeons or areas. So the content may grow or change, but overall it’s here to stay.

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