Ultima Online Five on Friday Q&A

EA’s Jeremy Dalberg has posted another one of her “Five on Friday” Q&A features on the official Ultima Online website.

“I know you can’t tell us about exploits, but how many have you fixed recently?”

This is a fair question, and so I did some digging through my internal publish notes and took a rough count from Publish 51 on:

Major Exploits: 4
Moderate Exploits: 9
Minor Exploits: 7

Major would be dupes, server crash bugs, severely imbalancing gameplay bugs (God-mode level stuff.) Moderate would be mid-level cheats and exploitable bugs. Minor would be bugs that are exploitable, but don’t pose much gameplay or economy balance risk (being able to get inappropriately-colored cloth, for an example.) This is just a quick eyeballing of my mailbox, but is fairly representative of how much gets fixed per publish that we don’t tell you about, and in what proportion.

If you’re interested in our Bug Report Reward Program, we’re primarily going to reward for Major-level bugs, although you will have our eternal gratitude for any and all reproducible bugs you send us.

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