Un-Ravel-ling Torment Community Q&A

Obsidian Entertainment’s Chris Avellone has updated his blog with a new Q&A he did with the fan community about the creation and implementation of Planescape: Torment’s Ravel Puzzlewell. I had no idea that Heart of Winter’s seer was supposed to be Ravel…

Q: Has Ravel appeared anywhere else but in Torment?

A: Yes Ravel’s existence is like the branching of a great tree across the Planes, although her incarnations don’t always realize what they are tied to. In Torment, she’s a few characters you encounter, and she also shows up in Icewind Dale 2 (she’s the elderly lady with cats in Targos) and she’s also the seer in Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter. In general, the clues to Ravel’s incarnations are that the incarnations have bad eyesight (or are blind), are female, and are usually elderly (though not always). They usually also have dreams or visions about the planes, since they are subconsciously tied into the other incarnations across the planes.

Very interesting.

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