Unconfirmed: Dragon Age III in 2014 on Next-Gen Consoles

While we obviously have to list it as “unconfirmed” for the time being, it wouldn’t surprise me if this interesting bit of information on Kotaku regarding a LinkedIn update by an EA Shanghai artist named Tao Gu ends up becoming the truth. In the no-longer-available update, Tao apparently mentioned that the scope of Dragon Age III has been changed to reflect that the game is now destined for the next generation of consoles sometime in 2014:

An EA Shanghai level designer who worked on a vertical slice of Dragon Age III earlier in the year states on his LinkedIn page that the “Scope of the DAIII has been chaged [sic], which will target next gen platform [sic] and will be postpone [sic] to 2014.” The claim of the delay is probably a misinterpretation of the rumors of the RPG sequel’s delays from fiscal 2013 (before March 31, 2013) to fiscal 2014 (after that date), which was pegged to EA wanting to avoid the rushed development criticisms that dogged Dragon Age II. However, those “development cycle” posits are seemingly not entirely accurate, as the designer says that EA wanted to refocus Dragon Age III from a current-generation title to a marquee next-generation RPG.

Dragon Age III coming to next-generation platforms should not be a surprise to anyone, as EA tellingly excluded any specifics on platforms in the game’s September announcement a way of saying that the intended platforms have not yet been announced.

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