Unconfirmed: Good Old Games Being Purchased by Valve

There’s a lot of speculation whizzing about, with a lot of people indicating the Good Old Games’ abrupt closure is a PR stunt. A pretty poor one, if you ask me, but at least they got noticed. Polish website Gram.pl brings word that the service, now owned by Polish publisher CD Projekt, might be bought by Valve, who own the digital download service Steam (they state “Steam” is buying it but “Steam” is not an independent corporation and can’t buy anything). The English translation:

As we already know, GOG.com will continue to operate. It means that it’s current users should not worry about their games. This whole mess is just a marketing stunt aimed to create buzz in the media before press conference scheduled for Wednesday.

That being said, we managed to contact our anonymous source close to the GOG staff. What we learned is that service is going to be bought by one of it’s rivals – Steam, to be precise. Please keep in mind that it’s not an official announcement and we advise you to take this information with a grain of salt.

That being said, we must take note, that for some time Steam tried to get into the market of retro games, but it’s prices weren’t too approachable. Especially for European users who are forced to make their purchases using euro. Secondly – what will happen to “DRM-free” policy after the supposed merger? GOG says on it’s website, that the idea behind service will remain unchanged. Does it mean that despite purchase, both services will remain separated?

We will keep an eye on this and will keep you posted as soon as we learn more. Also in English.

Thanks, Ausir.

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