Unconfirmed: Hellgate: London Lives, IP Bought

Hellforge is running a couple of stories (here and here) with speculation and evidence pointing to the possibility that Hellgate: London might continue in some form, now that Hanbitsoft has officially acquired the IP.

A new post went up today on the Korean Hellgate London website. It is a post talking about Halloween events and the “re-opening of the Hellgate”, however what is interesting about it, is that it has a section written in English on a usually Korean only website.

The post also sounds like they are getting ready to re-launch the game (could this mean transferring the old players over?) and the company in charge appears to be Redbana. Further research leads to the Taiwanese MMO company called Redbana, which appears to have quite some experience in gaming. Further research leads to findings of a new San Francisco office for the company, which is where Hellgate offices were located previously.

Spotted on Blue’s News.

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