Unconfirmed: Mass Effect 2 DLC Details

Joystiq claims that Norwegian newspaper DagBladet managed to get their hands on the very first details of a Mass Effect 2 DLC package that will be made available on “day one or soon thereafter”. The article referenced is returning a 404 error, so there’s no way to confirm what little information is available in Joystiq’s post:

DagBladet says the usual items like armor and weapons will be available, but also other things, such as an unlockable planet and even a new ally by the name of Zaeed Messani, the grizzled bounty hunter pictured above. The piece also mentions an in-game store for unlocking DLC called “Cerberus Network,” which sounds a lot like Dragon Age: Origins’ DLC platform.

Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. Thanks, Blue’s News.

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