Unconfirmed: Obsidian’s Aliens RPG Still Alive

Various online reports are claiming that comments made by SEGA during E3 seem to suggest that Obsidian Entertainment’s Aliens RPG might not be axed for good. From Joystiq:

The big, green gooey eggs containing Sega’s long in development Aliens: Colonial Marines and Aliens RPG are going to hatch — just not soon. When we asked why the games were absent from this year’s E3, Sega replied, “Aliens vs. Predator will be the first to ship out of our triplet of Aliens titles; hence it was shown at this year’s E3. We’ll have more news to share about the other two games in the near future so stay tuned.” Rumors of both titles being jettisoned out an airlock have been swirling since earlier this year.

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