Underrail Alpha Build Released on Desura

The folks at StygSoft have quietly released an alpha build of their isometric, turn-based RPG Underrail on Desura this weekend (some of you might remember it as Timelapse Vertigo prior to the name change). It’ll cost you $9.99 to gain access to the game (and be guaranteed the full version when it’s available), but there’s also an alpha demo available on IndieDB if you’re a try-before-you-buy type of person. Here’s the news, straight from the source:

Underrail alpha version has just be release on Desura!

For those planning to purchase the game in the alpha stage, please use the link on the game’s website.

If you want to know what’s new in this release (since the demo) you can go check out the dev log posts from the last couple of months, but let me just quickly recap the highlights:

‘¢ Huge new urban zone consisting of 8 areas
‘¢ Big new ‘dungeon’ consisting of 6 areas (twice as much as the last one)
‘¢ A couple of ‘mini-dungeons’
‘¢ New quests
‘¢ New feats
‘¢ Traps skill
‘¢ Some updated game mechanics
‘¢ Re-balanced economy
‘¢ Food
‘¢ More weapons and armors
‘¢ Updated crossbows (feats, special bolts, damage boost)
‘¢ Various other smaller stuff

Thanks, Marcus!

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