Underrail: Expedition Temporal Manipulation Psionic School Detailed

The latest development log for Underrail introduces the Temporal Manipulation psionic school that will be added by the game’s upcoming expansion, Expedition, which is planned for a release early next year. Here’s a few details, directly from the developers, on the kind of gameplay possibilities that will be added by these new abilities:

This psi discipline will, probably more than any other, will function well as a support skill that can be incorporated into other builds, rather than a primary skill around which a build is made, though I have no doubt that some of you will find a way to prove me wrong.

Here are the abilities:

  • Temporal Distortion – Places a debuff on the target that lasts 1 turn and deals mechanical and energy damage when it expires. In the case the target is already affected by temporal distortion, its duration will be increased by 1 turn and damage by 25% and the newly applied temporal distortion will have the same duration and damage bonus. Damage dealt by this ability ignores shield and 50% of damage resistance and threshold. This ability cannot critically hit.
  • Psycho-temporal Dilation – Reduces target’s action points by 15 and movement points by 50. Lasts 2 turns.
  • Limited Temporal Increment – Reduces all remaining cooldowns by 1 turn.
  • Entropic Recurrence – Repeats the percentage of the last unit of damage taken by the target over 3 turns. This damage ignores shields and resistances. In cases when the original damage was very slight, the recurrence may actually empower it.
  • Psycho-temporal Contraction – Increases target’s action points by 15 and movement points by 30. Lasts 2 turns.
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