Underworld Ascendant Updates

If you’d like to know what the Otherside Entertainment team plans to do with their dungeon crawling immersive sim Underworld Ascendant, you may be interested in checking out the recent development updates over on Steam. There you can find a general update, the patch notes for the 1.03 hotfix, and a video that outlines the upcoming big patch for the game. The latter is expected to go live sometime in December and should introduce a proper save system, as well as a number of fixes to the game’s movement, combat, quests, and more.

Here’s the update video:

And the latest patch notes:

Here are the fixes included in the most recent hotfix 1.03.

  • Added “Swimming” (Crouch while in water to sink)
  • Walking through shallow water has been improved
  • Arrows now function as expected
  • More magic runes are now in Aelita’s rotation for sale
  • Fullscreen exclusive graphics option is now preserved between gameplay sessions
  • When the player collects the final Abyssal Key, the gate to the Midnight Forum now opens as expected
  • Fixed a rare bug when The Vault of Nyx did not open when the player had all 8 keys
  • Saurians are now less chatty
  • The secret shortcut to the Vault of Nyx has been sealed
  • Infinite loading screen crash for the opening level has been fixed
  • Subtitles can be now toggled On or Off (See: Options->Gameplay)
  • Graffiti language in-level now changes when the player changes their language settings
  • Tuned movement controls for stopping and starting. The controls now respond faster to player input
  • Kickstarter backers will receive 8 dire berries instead of 1
  • General movement fixes
  • Various rare crash fixes
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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