Upcoming dev chat

Just got this in from Utildayael:

I know it’s been quite awhile since we had our last developer’s chat, but I
have some good news!

We will be having a Developer’s Round Table chat coming up next week! Here’s
the details:
Date: Wednesday, May 9thTime: 6:00pm PST
Server: irc.of-istaria.com
Room: #horizons [moderated chat w/ Developers]
#horizons-chat [unmoderated chat]
Attending: David “Requnix” Allen
Jeremy “Utildayael” Dixon
and several others of the development team!

An IRC client is required to access the chats. If you do not have one,
irc.of-istaria.com provides one on their webpage located at:

Be sure to be there!

Jeremy “Utildayael” Dixon
Community Manager
Artifact Entertainment.

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