Updated Pool of Radiance Preview

GameSpot has updated their previous preview of Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, the RPG currently in development by Stormfront Studios. There is a lot of new information released in the preview, as well as quite a few new screenshots, so head on over and take a look. Here’s a snippet to get you going:

    One quest we saw had little to do with the overall story of the game and was one of the higher-level side quests in Pool of Radiance. The quest was to retrieve the demon rivener, a powerful +5 magic greatsword. It gets a +7 bonus for attacking dragons and dragonkin, and it can cast a flamestrike spell at the 20th level. The flamestrike is a powerful spell that can incinerate nearly anything with holy fire. It is one of the strongest weapons in the entire game. To retrieve it, though, you need to find the tomb of a war hero and restore a gem to that tomb. Once you do that, the war hero will give you a magic word that will open a closed chamber. At the time, you won’t know what this magic word does, but as you explore more of the dungeons, you’ll come across a locked chamber that can be opened only by the word you’ve been carrying around with you. But just speaking the word and opening the chamber is not enough–you’ll need to defeat the sword’s demonic guardians, who can obliterate even high-level characters in mere seconds.
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