Vambrace: Cold Soul Update and Trailer Released

Headup and Devespresso Games have released a third trailer in conjunction with a patch update for their Icey RPG game, Vambrace: Cold Soul.

The Cursed City is a dangerous place filled with traps, enemies, strange encounters, merchants and valuable treasures. Your path is unknown so keep an eye on your Geist-o-meter, your only tool against the Ghost Fog.

After listening the feedback given by the game’s community, they’ve released a patch (1.06) filled with tweaks and fixes, making these updates a near daily event. If you have played but were put off by its difficulty, design choices or balance, now might be a good time to see if your issue’s have been fixed. You can check below to see the major features of the update, or here for the full patch notes.

Update Features


  • Character stats have been rebalanced
  • Enemy stats have been rebalanced
  • Combat encounters have been decreased in Neighborhoods
  • The rate at which the Geist-o-meter rises has been decreased and allows more exploration
  • The walking speed in dungeons has been increased
  • All chapters have had their expeditions rebalanced for flow & optimal challenge

New Additions

  • Game Tutorial: It is now accessible anytime from the pause screen.
  • Combat Fast Forward: You can double the speed of combat by holding the Shift button.
  • Recruiting Board: You can now view character stats before you hire them.
  • Relics: You may equip or unequip Relics on your expedition at any time.
  • Shelters: An all-new addition to the game! Shelters now exist between all neighborhoods. This allows you reliable times to access & craft items to replenish your party before moving into the next area. No longer will your expedition fall victim to RNG.
  • Bullion Chips: A new loot drop from enemies featuring Gold, Silver, and Copper bullion chips adds variety to combat encounters. These can be traded to merchants for hellion (money).
  • New Game +: The newest feature allows players to access a basic New Game+ mode to move through chapters faster and unlock costumes and new endings that would have taken many hours to otherwise.
  • Skip Tutorial: Now available.
  • Steam Cloud Saving: Has been implemented


  • Various typo fixes.
  • Various quest fixes.

There’s still plenty more things that the developers are planning. “When we launched Vambrace: Cold Soul, the community was swift in letting us know what we got right, wrong, and could have implemented better. As a small 4-man team, we took this feedback to heart and were equally swift with updates. It was the first time we were able to benefit from mass feedback – of which in-house QA is simply not a substitute.

Over the course of a week, we released a new patch on an almost daily basis. These changes have made Vambrace an entirely new experience for most of our community members. Please check the new features. If you believe that any of them could have drastically improved your experience, we invite you to revisit the game. As always, we are deeply appreciative of your time, and honest feedback! – T.L. Riven”

Vambrace: Cold Soul is available on Steam and GOG. The release dates for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are planned for Q3 2019.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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