Vampire Hunters Review

If Mayhem Studios’ Vampire Hunters has been on your “to play” list, you may want to check out Game Debate’s review before dropping the current asking price of $16.95 on the horror-themed RPG. This conclusion sums up their reasons for a score of 4/10:

The camera angles are infuriatingly awkward; the script is poor and seems strangely out of place. The Final Fantasy-style-battle-sequences are maddeningly difficult, although you are treated to a fair number of items which allow you to keep replenishing your health. In fact, about the only thing which is good about VH is the fact it makes very few demands on your PC. The music is also appropriately broody and menacing. But in the end, it’s no where near capable of drowning out the catalogue of horrors which pester this title with unrelenting consistence. If you do end up paying £14 to download, it’s likely that Vampire Hunters will, after the first few goes at least, end up taking a long – probably eternal – slumber on your desktop.

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