Vanguard: Saga of Heroes E3 Interview

Ten Ton Hammer had the opportunity to chat with SOE’s Bill Fisher at this year’s E3 about the team’s future plans for Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Topics include the game’s upcoming flying mount quests, guild hall quests, a new raid area, and more:

…the big topic of the day was the Ancient Port Warehouse, a level 50 raid zone that Fisher was excited to show me. He explained that what I was seeing was coming from the test server, and that the content here was about a week behind where the dev team is currently on their internal servers. While what I saw was clearly not as populated with mobs as it will be when it releases, it was nonetheless some pretty fun stuff. The Ancient Port Warehouse, or APW as it’s already come to be called, features gnomish constructs and the handiwork of what Fisher referred to as a “gnomish Leonardo de Vinci.” At one point we entered the Sky Pirate room, which contained a floating gnome-crafted dirigible. It’s the sort of thing that will make even the busiest raid group pause, look up, and say, “Cool.”

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