Violent Games Cause Violent Thoughts

It is that “studies prove it” time of the year again, as once again violent games are shown to cause violent thoughts. Shame on you, non-sentient object, for causing me to do stuff even though I am sentient and you are not.

Researchers this time claimed that games about violence increase aggressive thoughts and desensitise you to real-life violence.

The argument is fairly simple. Clever people (who went to university to learn this, remember) used brain scans to prove that a game about violence – presumably something like a gory shooter – causes more arousal than a non-violent game – presumably something like a role-playing or adventure game.

Which is quite true, unless it’s a lesbian alien sex scene.

“Exposure to violent video games, even E rated video games, increases aggressive thoughts, increases pro-social behaviour and increases general arousal,” Dr. Greg Snyder told KETV7.

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