Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Beta Contest

Newsarama.com brings word from WonderCon that the first issue of BOOM! Studios’ Warhammer: Condemned by Fire comic series will have a scratch-off contest allowing readers a chance to participate in the Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning beta test.

600,000 Warhammer fans can’t be wrong, or at least that’s what BOOM! Studios hopes.

The comic publisher revealed at WonderCon Friday a new promotion for the upcoming Warhammer: Condemned by Fire series. A scratch-off contest, located inside the front cover of the first issue, will give fans of the popular game a 1-in-5 chance to take part in the beta test of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, a new massive multiplayer online game due to launch later this year.

(Many people have pegged this to be the next World of Warcraft,) said BOOM! Co-founder Ross Richie.

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