Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic Entertainment has put together a twenty-second Warhammer Online “Grab Bag Q&A” feature, this time discussing fortress loot, city siege communication, the missing “Cards” system, and more.

Are we ever going to see a buff to Experience gained while grouping, to encourage more grouping and less soloing?

A. As a social game, we always want to encourage players to group up and work together. We’ve taken steps to help people get together already, for example the introduction of summoning stones, and we continue to work on improving and encouraging the social nature of WAR. That being said, yes we are discussing ways that we can improve the group experience; however, changing group Exp/Renown/Influence generation has a fairly broad effect on our game. As such we’re approaching it with caution.

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