Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Interview

Creative director Paul Barnett talked with videogamer247 about Warhammer Online, and reveals that the recent cut content is nothing compared to what they slashed down from the start.

(Endless optimism through daily disappointment,) said Barnett when asked what his job entailed. (It’s about getting the concepts and condensing them into soundbites that can then be championed around the company to keep people on-target, on-message.

(It’s about finding clarity when parts of the project can go a little askew. For instance, we did a lot of work on our chat windows, but we did too much work on them and we started losing focus and my job is to bring clarity back to it. Same thing happened with careers. We went down a terrible path where we had too many careers. We have 250-odd at one point and we boiled it right back down to 20.)

Cut content is usually disappointing to hear about, but I’d say that not sticking with 250-odd careers was a good call.

EDIT: a Warhammer Online dev replied to this article from VG247 and claimed it is misquoted.


I call BS. This writer has pulled this stuff on us (and other developers before) before. This site misquoted Paul before and they are doing it again. The fact that it gets front page coverage here is disappointing to say the least.


VG247 replies.

I transcribed it from the recording this morning. That’s what he said. It was me the wrote it, yes. Why on earth why I claim someone had said something when they hadn’t?

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