Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Q&A #1

Warcry has posted the first in a series of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning interviews with EA Mythic community manager Richard Duffek.

Q: You have said that Chaos players will be able to change their looks over time as they mutate. The Greenskins will be able to add skulls to their look and grow. What will other races do as they mature?

A: The Greenskins physically grow larger as they become more powerful. Dwarfs will see their beards get longer and more ornate. The Empire’s strength will be physically illustrated by their equipment and gear. As they progress, they will gain access to bigger, meaner looking armor and equipment. As for the Elves, you’ll just have to wait and see.

The addition of skulls is a reference to our trophy system. All players will be able to equip various trophies they earn through combat and questing to give their player a unique look.

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