Warhammer Online: AoR and 40K Preview

MMORPG.com has published a quick preview of Games Workshop’s Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning and unnamed Warhammer 40K MMORPG, based on what they learned about the upcoming games at this year’s GDC.

W.A.R. is much further along in their development lifecycle than the 40K version. We have already seen the Greenskins, Dwarves, Chaos, and Empire armies being showcased. So we wanted to ask about the High Elf and Dark Elf races that we have yet to see. Erik said that the work on the Elves continues along but expects it will be a little while before we see a lot from that race. He expects more Empire and Chaos features to be shown first. One of the things that he was looking forward to is the landscape in which the High and Dark Elves inhabit and how that will be presented on screen.

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