Warhammer Online Halloween Festivities

Mythic Entertainment has opened a special Halloween-themed period for anyone logged into Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Full details are available here, with a snippet to follow:

The Ghosts of the Fallen

Keen-eyed players will spot the ghosts of fallen warriors roaming the battlefields of WAR. There one moment and gone the next, these fleeting apparitions are not hostile, but if caught and killed, they have a chance to offer one of the Witching Night’s special rewards.

Beware the Witches!

Witches and cultists long in hiding have come out to perform unholy rituals that capture the souls of the dead for some unknown, nefarious purpose. They gather around great cauldrons, chanting the names of blasphemous entities. Those who stumble across these secret cabals can free the trapped sprits of the dead and then claim their rewards for themselves.

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