Warren Spector Interview, Part Two

The second portion of Eurogamer’s interview with Deus Ex and Thief creator Warren Spector is now available, once again quizzing the developer about various game development topics.

Q: Collaborative online experiences are something that are increasingly creeping into games (console, especially on 360 for instance), and – for me – are much more fun than simply blowing each other up around yet another enclosed environment. How does this trend impact upon your designs, and do you see yourself making more shared experiences in future?

A: Man, I wish I liked MMOs and online gaming more than I do. I guess I’m an antisocial guy and prefer the single-player experience. But, accepting that I’m an anomaly, there’s clearly a growing audience of people who want to work together, virtually, to accomplish game goals.

I wish I could say this was shaping my thinking about games but, really, I’m not yet clear how to apply co-op gaming to my own work. I’ve wrestled with small-group co-op possibilities for years and still haven’t figured out how to make them work. Oh, in the context of a very simple, visceral, physical conflict, it’s easy to see how two or four or 42 people might co-operate to kill The Bad Guy. But once you start messing around with more sophisticated storylines, the co-op problem becomes much harder.

Frankly, if I keep flailing around trying to answer this question we’ll be here all day and probably not get any closer to an answer. So I’ll just stop here and admit defeat. Someday someone I’m working with will prove way smarter than me and nail the co-op storytelling problem(s) and then I’ll be able to sleep at night again…

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