Warren Spector Interview

Next Generation has published a two-page interview with Warren Spector, quizzing the Deus Ex and Thief creator about Disney’s recent acquisition of Junction Point Studios. A couple of other questions do sneak by, though:

Q: Let’s look back slightly to Deus Ex. I was reading about Eidos bringing out a new game in this franchise, Deus Ex 3. How do you feel about this thing that you put your heart and soul into going off in its own direction?

A. Of course I’m going to play it, but. I’m a strangely emotional guy in some ways. In some ways I’m just not, in other ways it’s just like I’m sitting here thinking, (Oh my gosh, these are characters and situations and a world that I was so intimately involved with for so much of my life and now someone else is going to play with my baby!) It’s hard, but I’ve talked to a bunch of guys at Eidos and they seem committed to the property, so I’m sure they’ll do a great job. It is hard to sit on the sidelines, but again, I’ve got other irons in the fire now and new worlds to create and conquer, so its all for the best.

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