Warren Spector’s Favorite Video Games

Deus Ex creator Warren Spector has updated his personal blog with a list of his favorite video games, board games, and movies. The games:

1. Diablo
2. Guitar Hero
3. Half Life
4. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
5. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
6. Suikoden
7. Super Mario 64
8. Tetris
9. Ultima IV
10. Warcraft II
11. (Ico)
12. (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess okay, so I cheated and went for 12 on the videogame list. So sue me.)

Personally, I wouldn’t have put Warcraft II ahead of its predecessor. The first Warcraft was amazing for its time and set the stage for the sequel, just as Diablo did for Diablo II. I’m also not so sure that Ultima IV would edge out Ultima VII on my own list, though they’d be very close. But, hey, that’s just me.

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