Wasteland 2 Kickstarter Project Update #10, $2.13 Million and Counting

inXile’s Brian Fargo has penned a tenth update to the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter project, in which he breaks down where the money is being spent, asks for our help in marketing the game (since the funds aren’t being used for PR), and shares the very first official concept art for the game that “establishes the look and feel of the Desert Rangers”. Great stuff:

All of the money we raise through Kickstarter is being spent on making the game. Most of the cost of development is in paying for the team to create the game. There will be a team of engine programmers, game-play programmers, UI engineers, character artists, environment artists, animators, effects artists, UI Artists, sound designers, composers, writers, game designers, systems designers, level scripters, and testers. Not to mention all the interns it will take to handle the mailing out of the physical goods. It is simple math that the bigger this budget gets, the more jobs it will create. The bigger the team, the deeper and bigger the game gets. If you want a deeper and larger game, and we think that you do, you want us to raise as much money as possible to spend on the game.

Did I just hear all 43,000+ of you say ‘˜How can we help?’

I am glad you asked!!

One thing you will notice in that list of potential jobs above is that nowhere in that list do you see ‘˜Marketing Lady’ or ‘˜PR Guy’. That is because we don’t have these positions, nor do we plan to hire them. We want to spend the money on the game, and only the game.

This is where you come in.

All 43,000+ of you are our marketing and PR team. We need your help to get the word out that the Kickstarter countdown is on.

‘¢ Post to your Facebook pages with links back to the Kickstarter.
‘¢ Follow @BrianFargo on twitter and retweet my Wasteland related tweets.
‘¢ Post it to forums where you think it is relevant.
‘¢ Send emails out to everyone you know.
‘¢ Go to our website and put our Doomsday countdown clock on your website.
‘¢ Get a friend or family member to buy in.
‘¢ Shout it from the rooftop.
‘¢ Do some early shopping for Christmas 2013!

If every person who has pledged manages to get one more person to buy in for $15, we will increase the budget by over $600,000. You can help the project in very tangible ways by helping us get the word out.

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