What Star Wars Galaxies Did Right

Gamer Limit is offering up an editorial that proceeds to tell us what SOE’s Star Wars Galaxies “did right” prior to the NGE update that brought the MMORPG to a screeching halt. I never played the game post-NGE, so this article rings true to me:

In SWG if you didn’t like a class, or a certain portion of it, you could unlearn it and start on a different tree. It would be like a warlock giving up the dark arts to become a paladin. You always had to relearn the abilities, but I identified more with a malleable character, rather than one that’s primary identity was the class you picked at the beginning. You never had to create a brand new character unless you wanted to change race.

A unique trait of SWG was its affinity for player interactivity. As players gained experience points, they had to find a trainer and pay to learn the skill, or find a player and have him/her teach them the skill. To learn the master professions, players had to teach (younger) players the lower level skills. This induced incentive for players to search out others instead of relying upon the trainer bot.

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