White Gold: War in Paradise Interview

OMG PC Games brings us a quick interview with Deep Shadows’ Ika about their next FPS/RPG crossbreed, White Gold: War in Paradise.

OMG PC Games: There has been mentions of a ‘˜Perk’ and ‘˜Ability’ system, can you give us a rundown on what these actually are?

Ika: The RPG system in White Gold is based on the advanced system of perks. Some of them influence common skills like trading or skinning. Other are connected with combat abilities such as accuracy and so on. In addition there are set of special perks for stealth mode. But if you hate camping enemies, you can always use your assault rifle to show your foes some real firepower.

Naturally, player will get experience finishing various quests and killing enemies. After receiving certain amounts of experience you character level grows and you can learn some new perk or improve an existing one.

Practically, all perks in the game have three levels to improve and there are lots them at all. So, you should think hard about what perk to pick or improve.

All perks can be logically divided into three groups combat assistant, peaceful perks (responsible for communication, trade etc.) and perks which can make game more interesting, for instance a jar with jam, which is lure for insects and could be thrown in your opponent.

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