White Gold: War in Paradise Review

Following their review of The Precursors, PC Gamer now turns their attention to White Gold: War in Paradise, Deep Shadows’ FPS/RPG sequel to Boiling Point (also known as Xenus II: White Gold, for those of you in particular territories). Unfortunately, this one brings home a sub-par score (59/100), too:

If the bugs were all of the latter variety, it might be a surreal romp through tropical islands. Sadly they’re far more of the former, getting especially impossible when you’re supposed to infiltrate an army base, only to find that the uniform won’t equip when you try to put it on, and the only way to complete the mission is to kill a few hundred soldiers.

It’s heartbreaking. An impressive game that falls short on so many levels, only because it tries to reach so far. Factions, economy, side quests, a huge, lush world and even semi-destructible buildings, all make it seem like it could be a truly brilliant game, but the further you get from the (mostly) workable start, the more and more apparent it becomes that the game is broken.

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