Why a Video Game Blockbuster Will Finally Allow You to Be a Gay Man

Kotaku has been releasing bits and snippets of a conversation they had with BioWare’s co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk recently, and dedicate a new article on the developers’ decision to add male homosexual romances to Mass Effect 3. Here’s a couple of quotes:

“We got feedback from players that they wanted more choice,” Ray Muzyka co-founder of Mass Effect studio BioWare told me during a recent interview. “We respond to that feedback and try to make our games better based on what our players are asking for.”

“It’s surprising that people think it’s that big a deal,” Zeschuk said. “If you’re creating this kind of content, it’s very natural to provide all the options. So that’s always kind of funny.

“Here we have games whose god-like designers are actually implementing, at a more fundamental level, the ability for a gay identity to even exist in their world. And they’re saying, finally, yes it can. Political statement?

“We’re neutral,” Muzya says. ” It’s the player’s choice. It’s a role-playing game.”

“Yeah,” Zeschuck followed, “It’s a choice based on preferences.”

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