Why Dragon Age Was More Memorable Than Mass Effect 2

IGN editorializes on why Dragon Age: Origins was more memorable than Mass Effect 2, though the opening statement is that DA:O is “better” than ME2, which isn’t really the same thing, but I digress. It’s a VS article, comparing several moments of the two titles. Heavy spoiler warnings for many categories.

Two Swarms of Insects, a Dog, and a Dwarf

Traditionally, the kingdom is often saved by a devastatingly handsome hero and his posse of equally attractive cohorts. In Dragon Age, you can be a Shapeshifter, and turn yourself into a swarm of stinging insects. Morrigan can do likewise. Couple this with your drooling hound and the even-droolier Oghren and you now have Dragon Age: WTF.


Commander Shepard and Other Guys

No matter what combination of companions Shepard puts together, none of them will ever be as comical as Dragon Age’s crew at their most ludicrous. No, not even Miranda’s ass, Jack, and Grunt. That’s merely a potential plan for the evening.

Leliana’s ‘Titanic’ Moment

As if to carve our ongoing point into stone one last time, this genuinely spine-tingling performance from your Orlesian bard comes completely out of left-field and is a real highlight. That forest has great acoustics.


Shepard’s Dancing

Need we say more?

They reference a moment in DA:O when you try to have your Mabari Wardog be your champion, which I’ve never encounter myself but looks hilarious.

Thanks RPGWatch.

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